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Eye of the Sword by Karyn Henley, the subject of this month's blog tour, seems to be everything I want in reading material, a nice fantasy, by a Christian author so the likelihood of anti-Christian bigotry-rants is reduced to zero, and it starts out promisingly....
But for whatever reason I could not bring myself to read on, reading a number of other books, including my first-ever Western genre novel, instead (The Goodnight Trail by Ralph Compton). That happens to me sometimes when I have a book I'm expected to read in a certain amount of time--- I just don't get in the mood to let the book hook me, no matter how good the beginning is. Has that ever happened to you?
One symptom that this book is not for me right now is the way I keep obsessing about the book's title. Swords don't have eyes. Needles have eyes. Cyclopses have eyes--- one per customer. But swords? No eyes.
Want to know what Eye of the Sword is about from some people who actually know? Try some of these links. (Caution, one of these links is connected to a wormhole leading to a zombie apocalypse, so if you aren't careful you may get your brain eaten.)
Julie Bihn Thomas Fletcher Booher Keanan Brand Beckie Burnham Jackie Castle Brenda Castro Jeff Chapman Christine Theresa Dunlap Cynthia Dyer Victor Gentile Ryan Heart Janeen Ippolito Jason Joyner Carol Keen Emileigh Latham Rebekah Loper Shannon McDermott Karen McSpadden Meagan @ Blooming with Books Rebecca LuElla Miller Anna Mittower Mirriam Neal Nissa Faye Oygard Nathan Reimer Chawna Schroeder Kathleen Smith Donna Swanson Jessica Thomas Steve Trower Shane Werlinger Phyllis Wheeler
And now, before I get back to wrangling a passel of wild new-weaned lambs into pens, here is some essential information about Eye of the Sword and its author:
Book link - (or some other link of your choice) Author’s Web site - Author Blog - Author Facebook page -
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