Saturday, July 21, 2012

Choking on the Gay Pride Oreo

Kraft defends rainbow-stuffed gay pride Oreo as ‘reflection of our values’ |
Kraft Foods, the company behind the Oreo cookie, has defended a promotional image of the cookie stuffed with rainbow filling as “a fun reflection of our values,” even as the gay rights endorsement triggered boycott threats within hours of appearing on the Internet.
The Photoshopped image of “America’s favorite cookie” caused a stir on the brand’s Facebook page Monday evening when it appeared with the caption, “Proudly support love!”
The image had garnered nearly 220,000 Facebook “likes” by Wednesday morning, 66,600 shares, and 35,850 comments fueling an unending flame war over the cookie’s stand in favor of the homosexual movement. Read the rest of the story at the link above.
My reaction: It's painful. Another example of how the left-wing pro-gay-marriage, anti-Christian entity known as the Gay Pride movement is presented as representing all Gay/Lesbian people regardless of their actual point of view.  One more place in which Christian (and other) people with same-sex attraction who are living chaste/celibate lives and supporting traditional marriage and religious freedom are pushed into invisibility. We don't need to have the right to speak for ourselves, we have all these leftist Gay Pride people (who hate us) to speak for us.

The fact is, supporting the Gay Marriage movement is supporting people who are demonizing those faithful branches of Christianity who cannot perform Gay Marriages because of their correct theology. You cannot support religious freedom and insist on state-recognized Gay marriage.  Since no one is stopping gay couples from having private commitment ceremonies, and since gay couple tend to receive benefits similar to married couples without even that commitment ceremony, the only reason to push for official Gay Marriage is to force everyone to agree with them that Gay marriage, and Gay sex, are OK. Not sinful at all. And if freedom of religion protects those who say otherwise, away with freedom of religion!

Rainbow Lily: symbol of Gay/Lesbian chastity

 NOTE: this rainbow lily is one I found on the internet. I could really use some images made by people who support Gay/Lesbian chastity. So if you know how to draw/Photoshop.....


  1. Lena,

    I'm pretty good with Photoshop. Leave me a message at what you want as a symbol, and I'll see what I can come up with for you.

  2. Good on you!
    I'm heterosexual, but trying to wrap my head around homosexuality, as a human and as a catholic, so it's AWESOME to hear about people like you, with homosexual orientation who remain within the church, faithful and honest, without trying to justify the temptations and sins associated with it. The distinction between being homosexual and engaging in homosexual sex or marriage seems key, and is something I've only recently encountered. Feels like another step towards truth :)
    Brilliant. May the peace of Christ be with you always.

  3. As a heterosexual catholic trying to come to terms with homosexuality, it's great to hear from you! As a minority within a minority, faithful catholic homosexuals are few and far between, but of inestimable worth, I feel. Distinguishing between being homosexual and advocating homosexual sex, marriage as just feels critical, and that ditinction is something that's only really clicking for me today. Key. Brilliant. Feels like a step towards the Truth in this.
    So thank you, and God bless.
    PS: the rest of your blog looks good as, too--I'll be coming back :)


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