Saturday, January 30, 2016

This is my blog-reading blog

I used to have a blog called 'The Lina Lamont Fan Club'.  Then I replaced it with a Wordpress blog called 'My Antimatter Life.' I liked it a lot. But it didn't allow you to put up blog lists with previews of the posts on each blog.

I set up this particular blog mostly to read blogs with. I put up lists of blogs in order to read them. But I haven't worked for a while.

I'm starting a new list for members of a Facebook group we nickname 'CLFA.' Many of the impressive writers in the list blog, but don't have enough traffic to their blogs. When I get the group members I know on the list, and clean up this blog a little, I will post in that group to try to get more blogs on the list.

I am also going to be adding some other lists, most of writers' blogs. I hope that this blog's lists might also help some other people find more blogs to read.