Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dropping Out, Or, Some Days I'd Rather Be A Cowboy

This morning I realized it was time for me to drop out of the Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy blog tour. Realizing that, I also realized it's time for me to drop out of keeping up this blog, and perhaps to drop out of attempted novelling--- or at least out of admitting to attempted novelling--- altogether.

It's a matter of shame, really. Lately every time I think about writing for this blog--- or for a blog tour--- I just realize how inadequate my blogging is. Shamefully inadequate, it seems to me. I'm sure that this is not an objective opinion. But still, it affects how I approach--- or avoid approaching--- this blog.

I've read a lot about how a writer has to have a platform, and this blog was meant for that. But it hasn't achieved much of a following, in part because I haven't known what I'm building a platform for. I also have been too self-revealing, I think. I have a problem with that, perhaps because of my Asperger Syndrome.

I suppose I will get back into blogging at some point. Perhaps even back into attempted writing--- though I won't admit to it. But for now, I'm going to be spending some quality time wrassling with my sheep--- it's time to sort out the for-sale lambs.


  1. Oh dear! Are you sure? I'm going to miss your posts. :(
    And please don't give up novelling. We all go through blah times in writing (or creating of any kind). Maybe just a break and then come back to it all?

  2. It seems that sometimes I just get burned out on a blog. Last one I had was called 'Moreover' and I just deleted the whole thing. I'm not going to delete this one.

    As for giving up novelling--- considering I was working on the plot of a story while I was doing my chores this morning, I think it's more of a case of me giving up admitting to novelling.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that:

    But I guess you have to do what's best for you. My blogs don't really have a big following yet either. But I am still relatively new and learning. As you wrote one has to have a platform, I guess a message might be another way to put it.

    I'm new to the blog scene and learning. I figure I'll take my knocks, but I'm going to have a little fun along the way. Keep me posted.

    My best wishes,

    Stanley Loper

  4. What a shame I've just found you! As a Christian sci-fi and fantasy fan and being on the Autistic Spectrum I'd thought I was all alone out here. I. guess I'll have to be satisfied just reading your older posts. : (

  5. Charlotte, I am planning to start a new blog more or less about the same stuff. And use the old URL--- I'm moving this old blog to a new URL for storage. I'm probably going to wait until winter sets in as I'm busy with farm work right now.


Please visit my other blog at http://myantimatterlife.com for my most current content. This blog is mostly an archive--- though visitors are welcome.

May the Lord bless and keep all the folks who stop by this blog.